VISTA, Calif., Jan. 14 /PRNewswire FirstCall/ — referred electronics is pleased to announce it has signs a contract with the crucial fighting Championship(R) (UFC(R)) organization to stand over for its exclusive mobile audio partner and promotes die legendary Orion car audio mark by the net, which, point of the acquisition announcements and of the connection with one the fighter announces top the UFCs, Roger “EL matador” Huerta. Referred Willeuse inventive on-line promotions to steer to the new car audio customers to preferential Orion the Octagon(TM) dealers. (trade marks:, which is for referred to Jim Jardin, director of marketing According: “the UFC is one of the fast growing and most popular sport in world with young men — exactly the same hard core, which is demographic, that formed high achievement for Orion a legend in car audio for more over 25 years We view forward our to the exclusive mobile audio partnership with the UFC and the Roger Huerta, since we die product introduction of the affordable Orion COBALT(R) line of the loudspeakers, which amplifiers promote and subwoofers, and to the drive new car audio customers to the Orion dealers.” To more information about die exclusive Orion/UFC partnership or to locate had an authorized Orion retailer, please visit over referred electronics in Vista, California head office, referred electronics is largest designers and the marketer in the north America the first-class main theatre loudspeaker, which largest consumer burned carrier security, Traegerder remoteanfangs-und comfort systems and supplier tool market the satellite radios receiver, die on sales was based. Referred also major a supplier of the mobile audio and video systems and market exclusive rights to and the safe sell SIRIUS burned satellite radio receiver and accessories to referred existing United States retailer customer base in. In the main audio, referred Designs and markets award winningpolk Audio(R) and final Technology(R) premium loudspeaker market. Referred ones broad briefcase of the security of products, remote beginning, hybrid computer systems and DIE government inspection departments spurhaltung of systems are die sold more under leading marks, die Viper(R), Clifford(R), Python(R), Astroflex(R) and Autostart(R) including are. Referred ones mobile audio and video products include loudspeakers, subwoofers, amplifiers and video screens, sold more under its Polk Audio(R), Orion(R), precision Power(R) and referred Video(R) label names. Referred 1982 were created and its broad briefcase of the products by many guidance marketed, die prominent retailers and special field chains during north America and around world including are. More information are available die more Other registered registered trade marks, service marks and trade name, die in this appear on, release including UFC, crucial fighting championship, and Roger Huerta are property their respective owners.
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